Watchers in Death Gem Generator

The following tool is for randomly generating gems for upgrades in your own Watchers in Death campaign.

Each model is limited to two gems per Weapon, two gems for Armour, two gems for Shields, and one Jewelery gem.  Once a gem is equipped it cannot be removed without being destroyed.

Rare Black Gem

...of Absorbing (Weapon): Regain 1 lost wound for every enemy model slain by this weapon.

...of Aura of Stability (Shield): All friendly units within 12" can run and shoot.

...of Resistance (Jewelery): Ignore wounds (not mortal wounds) on a 6+.

...of Hardening (Armour): Ignore one level of Rend

Generate Another Gem

Generate Another 2 Gems

Generate Another 3 Gems

Generate Another 5 Gems

Generate Another 10 Gems