Watchers in Death Gem Generator

The following tool is for randomly generating gems for upgrades in your own Watchers in Death campaign.

Each model is limited to two gems per Weapon, two gems for Armour, two gems for Shields, and one Jewelery gem.  Once a gem is equipped it cannot be removed without being destroyed.

Common Red Gem

...of Wizard Slaying (Weapon): Unmodified hit rolls of 6 against WIZARDS inflict 1 mortal wound in addition to any normal damage.

Common White Gem

...of Resist Death (Jewelery): Ignore wounds and mortal wounds caused by DEATH on a 5+

Uncommon Black Gem

...of Slaying (Weapon): +1 Damage

...of Reflecting (Shield): Unmodified save rolls of 6 against Melee attacks inflict a mortal wound on the attacker after all their attacks have been resolved.

...of Unbinding (Jewelery): Can unbind a spell like a WIZARD. If already a WIZARD all unbinding attempts gain a +1.

...of Haste (Armour): +1 Move

Generate Another Gem

Generate Another 2 Gems

Generate Another 3 Gems

Generate Another 5 Gems

Generate Another 10 Gems