To watch the Space Wolves vs Night Lords Battle Report, go here
Luka gets his new Space Wolves in and wants to get the newly painted curse off of his models in today's 2,500 point game against Josh and the Dark Mechanicum.
Check out Dirty Brushes at:
Some Terrain in this Battle Report:
Studio Level -
Green Leaf Terrain -
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++ Crusade (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) [2,498pts] ++
+ HQ [455pts] +
Praetor, Legion [205pts]: Combi-Bolter, Digital Lasers [15pts], Grenade Harness [10pts], Iron Halo [10pts], Master of the Legion (See rule for MotL & Command Squads rule), Mastercraft a Single Weapon [15pts], On Foot, Paragon Blade [20pts], Warlord, Wolf Lord/Claw Leader
. Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour [35pts]: Terminator Armour [35pts]
Speaker of the Dead (Wolf Priest) [125pts]: Frag and Krak Grenades, Refractor Field
. Additional Wargear [5pts]: Melta Bombs [5pts]
. Artificer armour [10pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol
. Speaker of the Dead [5pts]: Frost Axe [5pts], Garm-blood vial, Healing Balms
Speaker of the Dead (Wolf Priest) [125pts]: Frag and Krak Grenades, Refractor Field
. Additional Wargear [5pts]: Melta Bombs [5pts]
. Artificer armour [10pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol
. Speaker of the Dead [5pts]: Frost Axe [5pts], Garm-blood vial, Healing Balms
+ Elites [1,585pts] +
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon [155pts]
. Cortus Dreadnought [155pts]: Extra Armour [5pts], Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon [15pts], Searchlight and Smoke Launchers
. . Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon: Twin-linked Bolter
Deathsworn, The [570pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, 9x Deathsworn [225pts], Frag and Krak Grenades, Legiones Astartes, Melta Bombs [20pts], Power Axe, Power Fist [5pts], Rad Grenades [30pts], Yimira Class Stasis Bombs
. Land Raider Phobos [240pts]: Combi-weapon [5pts], Dozer Blade [5pts], Extra Armour [5pts], Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, Searchlight and Smoke Launchers, 2x Twin-linked Lascannon Sponsons
Deathsworn, The [565pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, 9x Deathsworn [225pts], Frag and Krak Grenades, Legiones Astartes, Melta Bombs [20pts], Power Axe, Power Fist [5pts], Rad Grenades [30pts], Yimira Class Stasis Bombs
. Land Raider Phobos [235pts]: Dozer Blade [5pts], Extra Armour [5pts], Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, Searchlight and Smoke Launchers, 2x Twin-linked Lascannon Sponsons
Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad [295pts]: Legiones Astartes
. Varagyr Terminator [47pts]: Power Fist
. . Frost Weapon [5pts]: Frost Claw
. Varagyr Terminator [47pts]: Power Fist
. . Frost Weapon [5pts]: Frost Claw
. Varagyr Terminator [47pts]: Power Fist
. . Frost Weapon [5pts]: Frost Claw
. Varagyr Terminator [47pts]: Power Fist
. . Frost Weapon [5pts]: Frost Claw
. Varagyr Thegn [5pts]: Power Fist
. . Frost Weapon [5pts]: Frost Claw
+ Troops [458pts] +
Grey Slayer Pack [229pts]: Bolt Pistol, 7x Bolter [14pts], Chainswords/Combat Blades, Frag and Krak Grenades, 9x Grey Slayer [90pts], Legiones Astartes, Power Armour, 2x Power Fist [20pts], Vexilla, Legion [10pts]
. Huscarl [20pts]: Artificer Armour [10pts], Bolt Pistol, Power Fist [10pts]
. Rhino Armoured Carrier, Legion [40pts]: Dozer Blade [5pts], Twin-linked Bolter
Grey Slayer Pack [229pts]: Bolt Pistol, 7x Bolter [14pts], Chainswords/Combat Blades, Frag and Krak Grenades, 9x Grey Slayer [90pts], Legiones Astartes, Power Armour, 2x Power Fist [20pts], Vexilla, Legion [10pts]
. Huscarl [20pts]: Artificer Armour [10pts], Bolt Pistol, Power Fist [10pts]
. Rhino Armoured Carrier, Legion [40pts]: Dozer Blade [5pts], Twin-linked Bolter
+ Allegiance +
Legion and Allegiance: VI: Space Wolves, Loyalist
Rite of War: The Bloodied Claws
+ Use Playtest Rules +
Use Playtest Rules Errata 1.0 (From FAQ 1.1 Feb/2019): Playtest Rules Errata 1.0 On
+ Warlord Traits +
Warlord Traits
++ Total: [2,498pts] ++
++ Crusade (Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List) [2,495pts] ++
+ HQ [315pts] +
Anacharis Scoria [315pts]: Machinator Array
. Xanathite Abeyant [40pts]: Photon Thruster
+ Elites [215pts] +
Domitar Class Battle-automata Maniple [215pts]: Frag Grenades [5pts], Paragon of Metal [35pts]
. Domitar Class Battle-automata [175pts]: Automantic Shielding, 2x Graviton Hammer, Missile Launcher
+ Troops [1,110pts] +
Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple (Compulsory) [240pts]: Compulsory, Cybernetica Cortex, Enhanced Targeting Arrays [30pts]
. Castellax class Battle-automata [105pts]: Automantic Shielding, 2x Bolter, Mauler Bolt Cannon, Shock Chargers
. Castellax class Battle-automata [105pts]: Automantic Shielding, 2x Bolter, Mauler Bolt Cannon, Shock Chargers
Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple (Compulsory) [280pts]: Compulsory, Cybernetica Cortex, Enhanced Targeting Arrays [30pts]
. Castellax class Battle-automata [125pts]: Automantic Shielding, 2x Bolter, Darkfire Cannon [20pts], Shock Chargers
. Castellax class Battle-automata [125pts]: Automantic Shielding, 2x Bolter, Darkfire Cannon [20pts], Shock Chargers
Thallax Cohort [150pts]: Lightning gun, Multi-melta [15pts], 3x Thallax [120pts]
Thallax Cohort [150pts]: Lightning gun, Multi-melta [15pts], 3x Thallax [120pts]
Thallax Cohort [145pts]: Lightning gun, Phase Plasma-fusil [10pts], 3x Thallax [120pts]
Thallax Cohort [145pts]: Lightning gun, Phase Plasma-fusil [10pts], 3x Thallax [120pts]
+ Fast Attack [605pts] +
Vorax Class Battle-automata Maniple [255pts]: Bio-corrosive ammunition [30pts], Cybernetica Cortex, Infravisors
. Vorax Class Battle-automata [75pts]: Irad-cleanser [10pts], Power Blades, Two Rotor Cannons
. Vorax Class Battle-automata [75pts]: Irad-cleanser [10pts], Power Blades, Two Rotor Cannons
. Vorax Class Battle-automata [75pts]: Irad-cleanser [10pts], Power Blades, Two Rotor Cannons
Vultarax Stratos-automata Maniple [175pts]
. Vultarax Stratos-automata [175pts]: Cybernetica Cortex, Enhanced targeting array, Searchlight, Setheno pattern havoc launcher, Vultarax arc blaster
Vultarax Stratos-automata Maniple [175pts]
. Vultarax Stratos-automata [175pts]: Cybernetica Cortex, Enhanced targeting array, Searchlight, Setheno pattern havoc launcher, Vultarax arc blaster
+ Heavy Support [250pts] +
Thanatar Class Siege-automata Maniple [250pts]
. Thanatar Class Siege-automata [250pts]: Automantic Shielding, Hellex plasma mortar, Infravisor, Mauler pattern bolt cannon
+ Allegiance +
Allegiance: Traitor
Legio: Legio Cybernetica
+ Use Playtest Rules +
Use Playtest Rules Errata 1.0 (From FAQ 1.1 Feb/2019): Playtest Rules Errata 1.0 On
+ Mournival Rules +
Mournival Rules
++ Total: [2,495pts] ++
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