Army Lists for Space Wolves vs Emperor's Children Horus Heresy 2.0 Battle Report Ep 110

Army Lists for Space Wolves vs Emperor's Children Horus Heresy 2.0 Battle Report Ep 110

June 5, 2023

++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - VI: Space Wolves) [3,001Pts] ++

+ Expanded Army Lists +

Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On

+ Allegiance: +

VI: Space Wolves

Allegiance: Loyalist

+ Rite of War: +

Rite of War: The Pale Hunters (SW)

+ HQ: [435Pts] +

Centurion [150Pts]
. Speaker of the Dead [85Pts]: Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field
. . Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon [25Pts]: Great Frost Blade [10Pts]
. Speaker Of The Dead [65Pts]: Master-crafted Power Maul, Narthecium

Centurion [150Pts]
. Speaker of the Dead [85Pts]: Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field
. . Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon [25Pts]: Great Frost Blade [10Pts]
. Speaker Of The Dead [65Pts]: Master-crafted Power Maul, Narthecium

Geigor Fell-Hand [135Pts]: Master of the Legion, Warlord
. Geigor Fell-Hand: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field, The Fell Hand

+ Elites: [1,746Pts] +

Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad [610Pts]: Cataphractii Terminator Armour
. Land Raider Proteus Carrier [225Pts]: 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Legiones Astartes (X), Searchlights [5Pts], Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
. Thegn [85Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]

Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad [610Pts]: Cataphractii Terminator Armour
. Land Raider Proteus Carrier [225Pts]: 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Legiones Astartes (X), Searchlights [5Pts], Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
. Thegn [85Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]
. Varagyr [60Pts]: Frost Claw [5Pts], Power Fist [10Pts]

Veteran Squad [258Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
. Veteran Sergeant [15Pts]: Artificer Armour [10Pts], Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon [5Pts]: Power Sword
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5) [30Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword [2Pts], Plasma Gun [10Pts]
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5) [30Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword [2Pts], Plasma Gun [10Pts]

Veteran Squad [268Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
. Veteran Sergeant [15Pts]: Artificer Armour [10Pts], Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon [5Pts]: Power Sword
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5) [35Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword [2Pts], Meltagun [15Pts]
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5) [35Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword [2Pts], Meltagun [15Pts]

+ Troops: [495Pts] +

Grey Slayer Pack [165Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
. Huscarl [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Power Fist [20Pts]
. 9x Grey Slayer w/Bolter, Fenrisian Axe [108Pts]: 9x Bolter, 9x Fenrisian Axe

Grey Slayer Pack [165Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
. Huscarl [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Power Fist [20Pts]
. 9x Grey Slayer w/Bolter, Fenrisian Axe [108Pts]: 9x Bolter, 9x Fenrisian Axe

Grey Slayer Pack [165Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
. Huscarl [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Power Fist [20Pts]
. 9x Grey Slayer w/Bolter, Fenrisian Axe [108Pts]: 9x Bolter, 9x Fenrisian Axe

+ Heavy Support: [325Pts] +

Leviathan Dreadnought Talon [325Pts]
. Leviathan [325Pts]: Atomantic Deflector, Leviathan Storm Cannon [10Pts], Leviathan Storm Cannon [10Pts], Phosphex Discharger [20Pts]
. . 2x Twin-linked Volkite Calivers [15Pts]: 2x Volkite Caliver

++ Total: [3,001Pts] ++

++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA -   III: Emperor's Children) [2,990Pts] ++

+ Expanded Army Lists +

Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On

+ Allegiance: +

   III: Emperor's Children

Allegiance: Traitor

+ Rite of War: +

Rite of War

+ HQ: +

Centurion [100Pts]: Phoenix Warden
. Legion Centurion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Sonic Shriekers, Warhawk Jump Pack

Lord Commander Eidolon [215Pts]

+ Elites: +

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [190Pts]
. Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Power Fist  with in-built ranged weapon, Kheres Assault Cannon

Palatine Blade Aquilae Squad [375Pts]: 8x Palatine Warrior, 8x Phoenix Rapier
.  Palatine Prefector: Bolt Pistol, Meltabombs, Phoenix Rapier

Phoenix Terminator Squad [420Pts]: 4x Phoenix Terminators
. Land Raider Proteus Carrier: Twin-linked Heavy Bolter

+ Troops: +

Tactical Squad [195Pts]
.  Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. 8x  Legionaries (collective): 8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla
. Rhino Transport: Multi-Melta

Tactical Squad [195Pts]
.  Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. 8x  Legionaries (collective): 8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla
. Rhino Transport: Multi-Melta

Tactical Squad [175Pts]
.  Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. 9x  Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter
. Rhino Transport: Multi-Melta

+ Fast Attack: +

Javelin Squadron [210Pts]
. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta
. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta

Sky-Hunter Squadron [290Pts]
.  Legion Sky-Hunter Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Sub-sonic Pulser, Volkite Culverin
. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Volkite Culverin
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Volkite Culverin
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Volkite Culverin
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Volkite Culverin
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Volkite Culverin
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Volkite Culverin

+ Heavy Support: +

Kakophoni Squad [245Pts]: 7x Chora, Orchestrator, Sub-sonic Pulser

Kakophoni Squad [170Pts]: 4x Chora, Orchestrator, Sub-sonic Pulser

Sicaran Venator Squadron [210Pts]
. Sicaran Venator: 2x Lascannons, Heavy Bolter

++ Total: [2,990Pts] ++

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