**++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - XV: Thousand Sons) [1,500Pts] ++**
**+ Expanded Army Lists +**
**Expanded Army List Profiles::** Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On
**+ Allegiance: +**
** XV: Thousand Sons**
**Allegiance:** Loyalist
**+ Rite of War: +**
**Rite of War:** Pride Of The Legion
**+ HQ: +**
**Centurion [135Pts]:** (Chaplain) Master craft one weapon to represent a Crozius Arcanum, Chaplain
. **Chaplain:** Artificer Armour, Corvidae, Cult Arcana Discipline, Psychic Discipline: Telepathy
. . **Plasma Pistol**
. . **Power Weapon:** Power Lance
**Praetor, Cataphractii [155Pts]:** Magister of Prospero, Warlord
. **Legion Cataphractii Praetor:** Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Combi-Bolter, Cult Arcana Discipline, Grenade Harness, Pavoni, Psychic Discipline: Biomancy
. . **Power Weapon:** Power Sword
**+ Elites: +**
**Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Talon [275Pts]**
. **Contemptor-Osiron Magus Dreadnought:** Gravis Melta Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Minor Arcana, Pavoni
. **Contemptor-Osiron Magus Upgrade:** Psychic Discipline: Pyromancy
**+ Troops: +**
**Despoiler Squad [130Pts]**
. ** Legion Despoiler Sergeant:** Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Raptora
. . **Power Weapon:** Achea Force Maul
. **7x Despoilers (collective):** 7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword
. **Despoiler w/ Options:** Bolt Pistol, Power Sword
. **Despoiler w/ Options:** Bolt Pistol, Power Sword
**Sekhmet Terminator Cabal [335Pts]:** Pavoni
. **Sekhmet:** Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. **Sekhmet:** Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. **Sekhmet:** Achea Force Maul, Combi-Bolter
. **Sekhmet:** Achea Force Maul, Combi-Bolter
. **Sekhmet Inceptor:** Achea Force Maul, Combi-Bolter, Grenade Harness
. . **Psychic Discipline:** Psychic Discipline: Biomancy
**Sekhmet Terminator Cabal [335Pts]:** Pavoni
. **Sekhmet:** Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. **Sekhmet:** Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. **Sekhmet:** Achea Force Sword, Combi-Bolter
. **Sekhmet:** Achea Force Sword, Combi-Bolter
. **Sekhmet Inceptor:** Achea Force Sword, Combi-Bolter, Grenade Harness
. . **Psychic Discipline:** Psychic Discipline: Biomancy
**Veteran Squad [135Pts]:** Pride of the Legion Compulsory Troops
. ** Veteran Sergeant:** Artificer Armour, Asphyx Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Raptora
. . **Power Weapon:** Achea Force Sword
. ** Veteran:** Asphyx Bolter, Bolt Pistol
. ** Veteran:** Asphyx Bolter, Bolt Pistol
. ** Veteran:** Asphyx Bolter, Bolt Pistol
. ** Veteran:** Asphyx Bolter, Bolt Pistol
**++ Total: [1,500Pts] ++**
++ Mortalis Assault Force Organisation Chart (LA - XVII: Word Bearers) [1,498Pts] ++
+ Expanded Army Lists +
Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On
+ Allegiance: +
XVII: Word Bearers
Allegiance: Traitor
+ Rite of War: +
Rite of War: Pride Of The Legion
+ HQ: [345Pts] +
Centurion [145Pts]: (Chaplain) Master craft one weapon to represent a Crozius Arcanum, Chaplain [35Pts]
. Chaplain [110Pts]: Artificer Armour, Dark Channeling [25Pts], Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field
. . Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon [25Pts]: Tainted Blade [10Pts]
Praetor [200Pts]: Unswerving Devotion, Warlord
. Legion Praetor [200Pts]: Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades, Iron Halo, Krak Grenades, Master of the Legion, Master-craft one weapon [10Pts], Paragon Blade [30Pts], Warpfire Pistol [15Pts]
. . Burning Lore [25Pts]: Psychic Discipline: Diabolism
+ Elites: [495Pts] +
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [205Pts]
. Contemptor Dreadnought [205Pts]: Atomantic Deflector, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, 2x Meltagun [30Pts]
Gal Vorbak Squad [290Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
. 4x Dark Brethren [220Pts]: 4x Boltspitter, 4x Tainted Talons
. Dark Brethren w/ Melee Options [70Pts]: Boltspitter, Power Fist [15Pts]
+ Troops: [658Pts] +
Tactical Squad [110Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour
. 8x Legionaries (collective) [80Pts]: 8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options: [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla [10Pts]
Terminator Cataphractii Squad [230Pts]: Cataphractii Terminator Armour
. Cataphractii Sergeant [15Pts]: Chainfist [15Pts], Combi-Bolter
. Cataphractii [40Pts]: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist [10Pts]
. Cataphractii [40Pts]: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist [10Pts]
. Cataphractii [40Pts]: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist [10Pts]
. Cataphractii [40Pts]: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist [10Pts]
Veteran Squad [318Pts]: Dark Channeling [25Pts], Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Legion Vexilla [10Pts], Power Armour, Pride of the Legion Compulsory Troops
. Veteran Sergeant [30Pts]: Artificer Armour [10Pts], Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist [20Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword [2Pts]
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5) [35Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword [2Pts], Warpfire Blaster [15Pts]
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5) [35Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword [2Pts], Warpfire Blaster [15Pts]
++ Total: [1,498Pts] ++