Smolderbog Marsh (3 / 5)

Interactive Map


Realm Points Granted to Controller: 3
Realm Points Required to Invade: 5

Fire and metal, the stagnant waters of the marsh shimmer with iridescence in the light. Get too close, and they risk catching fire, falling into the waters and finding out they are burning or that the flesh turns to metal. The paths through the marsh only make it more deadly, the water begins to boil, and the gas that fills the air eats at anything metal that it touches, corroding it in minutes.

Journey further still, and eventually, you find the source, a waterfall of mercury which rises into a thick cloud of popping fire. If you risk the silvery stream, you may find yourself transported to the realm of metal. That is, if you survive the heat and the transformations which matter is beset by as it contacts the raw magic of Chamon or Aqshy, reacting violently with one another on the boundary between realms.


Corrosive Transmutations — -1 to all save rolls Realmgate {r}{u}

Leads to the city of Barilomm in the Realm of Chamon.