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Voice artist: Scott Tunnix -
Adam is awesome:
In the Age of Myth, the legendary wizard Thalador delved deep into the mysteries of the magics that created the realms themselves. His power was unmatched, and he created the enchanted city of Nulbaruk that spanned all eight realms.
Many coveted this power, including the jealous gods. But Thalador was untouchable, and those who dared to challenge him were destroyed. However, the gods' envy would be Thalador's undoing. They wove a curse that hurled the city into the aether, lost from all the realms forever.
Now, rumors have surfaced that the Lost City of Nulbaruk has returned. Our undead scouts have seen it - a ruinous shadow of its former self, with only the wizard's tower standing tall at its center. The city has manifested in four realms, including our own Realm of Ulgu.
Already, others seek to claim its power for their own. The Chaos Sorcerer Lord Valtarius mobilizes his massive forces from the City of Ashenvale in the Realm of Aqshy. In the bestial Realm of Ghur, the mighty Megaboss Hammathrowa has assembled an enormous Waagh in the city of Savage Reach. And in the ever-changing Realm of Chamon, followers of Sigmar join forces, greedy for the riches that lie within the Lost City.
My Lady Isadora, we must move quickly. Raise our forces, both living and undead, and seize the city before the others. It is a prize meant not for the living, but for the dead.
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