This video is a Vault rerelease, if you want to check out more Warhamemr Fantasy batreps check out our playlist here:
After the shenanigans from the last match, Steve and Josh rerack to see if the outcome will be any different.
Army Lists:
++ Standard (Orcs & Goblins - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.8.2.) [1,995pts] ++
+ Uncategorised +
- Army Size: Army (0-2999 points)
+ Lords [285pts] +
Savage Orc Great Shaman [285pts]: Lore of da Big Waaagh!, Wizard Level 4 [35pts]
. Magic Items [80pts]: BRB - Earthing Rod [25pts], BRB - Shrieking Blade [10pts], BRB - Talisman of Preservation [45pts]
+ Heroes [167pts] +
Black Orc Big Boss [167pts]: Battle Standard Bearer [25pts], Shield [2pts]
. Magic Items [50pts]: BRB - Armour of Destiny [50pts]
+ Core [553pts] +
Orc Big 'Uns [378pts]
. Boss [15pts]
. Musician [10pts]
. 37x Orc Big 'Un [333pts]: 37x Shields [37pts]
. Standard Bearer [20pts]: BRB - Banner of Eternal Flame [10pts]
Orc Boyz [175pts]: Boss [15pts], Musician [10pts], Standard Bearer [10pts]
. 20x Orc Boyz [140pts]: 20x Shields [20pts]
+ Special [640pts] +
Orc Boar Boyz [235pts]: Boss [15pts], Musician [10pts], Standard Bearer [10pts], War Boar
. 10x Orc Boar Boyz [200pts]: 10x Shields [20pts], 10x Spears [20pts]
Orc Boar Boyz [235pts]: Boss [15pts], Musician [10pts], Standard Bearer [10pts], War Boar
. 10x Orc Boar Boyz [200pts]: 10x Shields [20pts], 10x Spears [20pts]
Orc Boar Chariot [85pts]: 2x Crew, 2x Steeds
Orc Boar Chariot [85pts]: 2x Crew, 2x Steeds
+ Rare [350pts] +
Giant [220pts]: A tree-trunk or other impressively large blunt implement, War Paint [20pts]
Mangler Squigs [65pts]
Mangler Squigs [65pts]
++ Total: [1,995pts] ++
++ End Times (Ogre Kindoms - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.8.1.) [1,997pts] ++
+ Uncategorised +
- Army Size: Army (0-2999 points)
+ Lords [395pts] +
Slaughtermaster [395pts]: Great Weapon (FAQed) [10pts], Lore of the Great Maw, Wizard Level 4 [35pts]
. Magic Items [100pts]: AB - Grut's Sickle [50pts], BRB - Armour of Destiny [50pts]
+ Heroes [395pts] +
Bruiser [215pts]: Great Weapon [11pts], Heavy Armour [4pts]
. Battle Standard Bearer [75pts]: AB - Dragonhide Banner [50pts]
. Magic Items and Big Names [20pts]: Deathcheater [20pts]
Hunter [180pts]
. Magic Items and Big Names [50pts]: BRB - Shield of Ptolos [25pts], BRB - Tormentor Sword [5pts], Longstrider [20pts]
+ Core [557pts] +
Ogres [557pts]: Bellower [10pts], Champion [10pts], Standard Bearer [10pts]
. 17x Ogres [527pts]: 17x Additional Hand Weapon [17pts]
+ Rare [340pts] +
Ironblaster [170pts]: Crew
Ironblaster [170pts]: Crew
+ Special [310pts] +
Leadbelchers [268pts]: Bellower [10pts], 6x Leadbelchers [258pts]
Sabretusk Pack [21pts]: Sabretusks [21pts]
Sabretusk Pack [21pts]: Sabretusks [21pts]
++ Total: [1,997pts] ++
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