Golden Wastes (3 / 10)

Interactive Map


Realm Points Granted to Controller: 3
Realm Points Required to Invade: 10

Expanding far beyond the horizon, the plateau known as the Golden Wastes is filled with a cloud of iridescent dust. Hovering in the air and carried by the wind, this sparkling dust clouds the distant mountains and shrouds the path. Its greatest danger, however, is the potent metallic magic contained within. Those who attempt to practice magic with the dust nearby have often found it drawn to the source of magic, adding far more potency to the magical summons to the point it becomes uncontrollable.

There are many tales of spellcasters being overwhelmed by the random nature of the surges, and the cautious traveller is encouraged to avoid its use. If a cunning commander were able to harness this seemingly random source of magical power, it would be a potent boon for their forces.


Random Magic — When rolling a casting roll or unbind roll, roll an extra d6, and discard the middle d6 roll. If before discarding there were any doubles, the caster can immediately cast the spell again (after the effects of the spell have been carried out). If before discarding there were any triples, the caster immediately suffers d6 mortal wounds.

Harnessed Power {p/w} Whoever controls this territory gains a +1 bonus to casting rolls.