East Flamecrest Sea (3 / 10)

Interactive Map


Realm Points Granted to Controller: 3
Realm Points Required to Invade: 10

Surrounded by tropical beaches and warm waters, the Flamecrest Sea could be a paradise. This climate, however, is because the islands that the sea surrounds are saturated with Aqshy's fiery rage. The beaches and forests are the hunting grounds of terrifying fire-breathing lizards, and the waters are filled with enormous creatures which can boil the water around them, which flashes to steam and creates enormous explosions sinking any ship unlucky enough to be nearby. And in the furthest reaches, there are rumours of magic made manifest stalking remote rocky outcrops.


Far from Supplies — No unit can be reinforced more than once.

The Temple Awakens {r} Whoever controls this territory gains a bonus 70 points that can only be spent on a single Endless Spell. If that player's army does not have any Wizards then nominate one hero. That hero can cast the
Endless Spell as if it were a Wizard, but the spell is automatically wild.