To watch the Tomb Kings vs Skaven Battle Report, go here
The fickle gods of Chaos tamper with the machinations of a Skaven Grey Seer, seemingly for the fun of it. The Skaven respond with overwhelming force, but this is of course exactly what the Chaos gods wanted.
Some Terrain in this Battle Report:
PWork WarGames -
Green Leaf Terrain -
Games Workshop -
++ Standard (Daemons of Chaos - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.8.0.) [2,393pts] ++
+ Uncategorised +
- Army Size: Army (0-2999 points)
+ Lords [925pts] +
Daemon Prince [345pts]: Daemon of Khorne [5pts], Daemonic Flight [40pts], Greater Gifts [50pts]
Great Unclean One [580pts]: 2x Greater Gifts [100pts], Lore of Nurgle, Wizard Level 4 [105pts]
+ Heroes [130pts] +
Herald of Nurgle [130pts]: Lesser Locus of Virulence [40pts]
+ Core [763pts] +
Bloodletters of Khorne [226pts]: 14x Bloodletter of Khorne [196pts], Champion [10pts], Musician [10pts], Standard Bearer [10pts]
Plaguebearers of Nurgle [537pts]: Champion [10pts], Musician [10pts], 39x Plaguebearer of Nurgle [507pts], Standard Bearer [10pts]
+ Rare [575pts] +
Skull Cannon of Khorne [135pts]
Skull Cannon of Khorne [135pts]
Soul Grinder [305pts]: Daemon of Nurgle [5pts], Phlegm Bombardment [50pts]
++ Total: [2,393pts] ++
++ Standard (Skaven - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.7.7.) [2,400pts] ++
+ Uncategorised +
- Army Size: Army (0-2999 points)
+ Lords +
Grey Seer [310pts]: Warpstone Tokens (FAQ'ed)
. Magic Items and Scavenge-pile items: BRB - Earthing Rod, BRB - Talisman of Preservation
. Wizard Level 4: Skaven Spells of Ruin and/or Plague
Throt the Unclean [225pts]: AB - Creature-killer (FAQ'ed), AB - Whip of Domination (FAQ'ed)
+ Heroes +
Assassin [120pts]: Magic Items and Scavenge-pile items
Chieftain [72pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Magic Items and Scavenge-pile items, Shield
Warlock Engineer [85pts]: Ruin
. Magic Items and Scavenge-pile items: AB - Warp-energy Condenser
. Wizard Level 1: Skaven Spells of Ruin
+ Core +
Clanrats [146pts]: Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
. 28x Clanrats: 28x Shields
Skavenslaves [98pts]: Musician, 48x Skavenslaves
Throt's Giant Rats [274pts]: 50x Giant Rats, Packmaster, Packmaster
. Packmaster
. . Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth: AB - Warp-lash
Throt's Giant Rats [23pts]: 5x Giant Rats, Packmaster
Throt's Giant Rats [23pts]: 5x Giant Rats, Packmaster
Throt's Rat Ogres [399pts]: Packmaster, Packmaster, Packmaster, Rat Ogres, Rat Ogres, Rat Ogres, Rat Ogres, Rat Ogres, Rat Ogres, Rat Ogres, Rat Ogres
. Rat Ogres: Champion
+ Special +
Gutter Runners [90pts]: Two Hand Weapons
. 5x Gutter Runners: 5x Poisoned Attacks, 5x Slings
+ Rare +
Doomwheel [150pts]
Doomwheel [150pts]
Hell Pit Abomination [235pts]
++ Total: [2,400pts] ++
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