Deathwatch Item Generator 9th Edition

Generate crazy random weapons for use in your homebrewed Deathwatch narrative games.  Disclaimer:  This will sometimes generate aboslute nonsense, and is really just intended to help you have loads of fun with your Deathwatch campaigns.

Any attempt to use these stats in a tournament will result in general and well-earned mockery.

Banner - The Black Banner

Friendly models within 6" of this banner in the Fight Phase gain +1 Attack and +1 to their hit rolls.  However, for each unmodified hit roll a 1 roll a d6.  On a 4+ they suffer 1 mortal wound.

Eldar D-scythe

Deadly at Close Range

Deadly at Close Range:

+1 Strength and +1 AP if the target is within half the range of this weapon

Eldar Witchblade

Crushing, Cursed, Lesser Poison


+2 damage against targets with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better


Unmodified hit rolls of 1 from this weapon inflict 1 mortal wound each on the firer (after all attacks have been resolved).  This is in addition to any other overheating rules the weapon might have.

Lesser Poison:

Always wounds on a 4+ unless the target is a Vehicle or Titanic.

Eldar Ghostaxe



Always wounds on a 2+ except against Vehicles, in which case use its normal Strength

Infernus Heavy Bolter



Does not require line of sight to fire


No additional traits.

Krak Grenades

Decreased Damage, Homing, Shorter Range

Decreased Damage:

-1 Damage (Minimum 1)


Does not require line of sight to fire

Shorter Range:

-3" range if Pistol or Grenade (minimum 1")
-6" range if Assault or Rapid Fire
-12" range if Heavy

Lightning Claw

Weaker, Penetrating, Extra Attack


-1 Strength

If this weapon has a Strength multiplier (e.g. x2) apply the -1 Strength BEFORE the multiplier


Improve the AP of the weapon by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes -1, AP -2 becomes -3)

Extra Attack:

+1 Attack with this weapon (e.g. Rapid Fire 2 becomes Rapid Fire 3, Melee weapons gain only one extra hit roll when Fighting)

Auxiliary Grenade Launcher

Genestealer Cult Mining Laser

Phasing, Wounding


Target must reroll successful invulnerable saves against this weapon


+1 to wound rolls

Generate Another Item

Generate Another 2 Items

Generate Another 3 Items

Generate Another 5 Items

Generate Another 10 Items