By signing up for a FREE Vault Trial on this page you will gain access to seven seasons of the Deathwatch 40k Narrative Campaigns, even if you later cancel your membership.
These include:
-Augustine's Station
-Deathwatch: Apothis
-Deathwatch: Vadurak
-Deathwatch: Resurrection
-Deathwatch: Tyrus
-Deathwatch: Space Hulk
-Deathwatch: Craftworld
Watch exciting story-centered linked battle reports that follow ever developing characters, storylines, and armies.
Gain instant access to over 70 narrative campaigns as soon as your trial membership begins.
Can't get enough battle reports? Vault members get even more. Right now there are over 1,000 battle reports in the MiniWarGaming Vault.
Every time you see us post a battle report on YouTube for free, we make another one just for our Vault members.
With our Silver MiniWarGaming membership, you can download any of our videos to your favourite device and watch it anywhere.
Whether you're bored on a plane, on a long drive, or somewhere with bad Internet, we're there for you.
Over the years we have created over 1,000 painting tutorials, on almost every subject related to miniature wargaming.
As a Silver Vault Member you gain instant access to all of them.
Silver Vault Members get access to exclusive discounts from miniature wargaming companies that sell models, terrain, battle mats, and more.
You could easily save the cost of your membership by using just a few of these discounts to buy products you would already need for your hobby.
If we're honest, YouTube revenues suck. We'd love to make all of our videos 100% free, but then we wouldn't be able to hire all of our video producers and editors.
While we do have thousands of Vault members, they still only represent a small portion of our online viewers. In other words, every Vault member helps us tremendously to be able to continue our passion of making miniature wargaming videos.
We don't want your money if you don't like the Vault. Not only do you get a free 7-day trial membership, but after it renews you even have a 30-day full money back guarantee.
If you don't like the Vault for whatever reason just email us and we'll give you a full refund. That's essentially a 37-day trial.
The MiniWarGaming Vault is a streaming service that offers a variety of miniature wargaming content, such as battle reports, narrative campaigns, painting tutorials, and more.
You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want, all for a low monthly (or yearly) price.
The Vault is what allows MiniWarGaming to exist. Without our Vault members, we would not be able to do what we do.
The MiniWarGaming Silver Vault membership costs only $7.95 USD per month if paid yearly, or $11.95 USD per month if paid monthly.
Canadian residents will also be subject to HST.
Vault videos stream through Vimeo, which you can watch through our website on any device that has access to an Internet Browser.
We don't believe in charging people for services they do not want. There are no contracts or committments. You can easily cancel your account on our website, or by emailing, anytime you want.