Deathwatch Item Generator 9th Edition

Generate crazy random weapons for use in your homebrewed Deathwatch narrative games.  Disclaimer:  This will sometimes generate aboslute nonsense, and is really just intended to help you have loads of fun with your Deathwatch campaigns.

Any attempt to use these stats in a tournament will result in general and well-earned mockery.

Heavy Thunder Hammer

No additional traits.

Recovery Stimulant Kit

1 use per game.  At the end of your movement phase a model equipped with a Recovery Stimulant Kit can use the kit to heal 1d3 wounds to a friendly model within 3".  If that friendly model has wound tokens allocated to it then it will instead remove up to 1d3 wound tokens.

Necron Rod of Covenant

Extra Attack, Master-crafted

Extra Attack:

+1 Attack with this weapon (e.g. Rapid Fire 2 becomes Rapid Fire 3, Melee weapons gain only one extra hit roll when Fighting)


An unmodified hit roll of 6+ automatically wounds the target (do not make a wound roll).


No additional traits.

Guardian Spear

Extra Attack

Extra Attack:

+1 Attack with this weapon (e.g. Rapid Fire 2 becomes Rapid Fire 3, Melee weapons gain only one extra hit roll when Fighting)

Generate Another Item

Generate Another 2 Items

Generate Another 3 Items

Generate Another 5 Items

Generate Another 10 Items